File: rotating_lena.htm

Size: 43,5 KB

Description: Single JPG (embedded inline with data URI) is rotated using JavaScript and the HTML5 Canvas object.

Browser Support:
All current browsers


File: rotating_lena.svg

Size: 43,6 KB

Description: SVG file that contains a single JPG (embedded inline with data URI) which is rotated by SVG/SMIL syntax.

Browser Support:
Chrome: yes
Firefox: yes
Safari 12: yes
IE 11: no (image shown but not animated)
MS Edge: no (image shown but not animated)
MS Edge Beta (blink engine): yes

File: rotating_lena_lossy_85.webp

Size: 5,50 MB

Description: Animated WebP file with 120 frames, using lossy compression (quality=75). It was created with img2webp.

Browser Support:
Chrome: yes
Firefox: yes (since v65, so not in ESR v60)
Safari 12: no
IE 11: no
MS Edge: yes (since v1809)
MS Edge Beta (blink engine): yes

File: rotating_lena_rgb.png

Size: 49,7 MB

Description: RGB APNG file with 120 frames, created with APNG Assembler.

Browser Support:
Chrome: yes
Firefox: yes
Safari 12: yes
IE 11: no (image shown but not animated)
MS Edge: no
MS Edge Beta (blink engine): yes

File: rotating_lena_256.png

Size: 16,6 MB

Description: APNG file with 256 colors and 120 frames, created with APNG Assembler.

Browser Support:
Chrome: yes
Firefox: yes
Safari 12: yes
IE 11: no (image shown but not animated)
MS Edge: no
MS Edge Beta (blink engine): yes

File: rotating_lena_256.gif

Size: 19,8 MB

Description: Animated GIF file with 120 frames, using 256 colors.

Browser Support:
All current browsers

File: rotating_lena_128.gif

Size: 15,7 MB

Description: Animated GIF file with 120 frames, using 128 colors.

Browser Support:
All current browsers

Preloading all images...
(110 MB, please be patient)