JScript Methods

Language Element


abs Method

Returns the absolute value of a number.

acos Method

Returns the arccosine of a number.

anchor Method

Places an HTML anchor with a NAME attribute around specified text in the object.

apply Method

Applies a method of an object, substituting another object for the current object.

asin Method

Returns the arcsine of a number.

atan Method

Returns the arctangent of a number.

atan2 Method

Returns the angle (in radians) from the X axis to a point (y,x).

atEnd Method

Returns a Boolean value indicating if the enumerator is at the end of the collection.

big Method

Places HTML <BIG> tags around text in a String object.

blink Method

Places HTML <BLINK> tags around text in a String object.

bold Method

Places HTML <B> tags around text in a String object.

call Method

Calls a method of an object, substituting another object for the current object.

ceil Method

Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to its numeric argument.

charAt Method

Returns the character at the specified index.

charCodeAt Method

Returns the Unicode encoding of the specified character.

compile Method

Compiles a regular expression into an internal format.

concat Method (Array)

Returns a new array consisting of a combination of two arrays.

concat Method (String)

Returns a String object containing the concatenation of two supplied strings.

cos Method

Returns the cosine of a number.

decodeURI Method

Returns the unencoded version of an encoded Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).

decodeURIComponent Method

Returns the unencoded version of an encoded component of a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).

dimensions Method

Returns the number of dimensions in a VBArray.

escape Method

Encodes String objects so they can be read on all computers.

eval Method

Evaluates JScript code and executes it.

exec Method

Executes a search for a match in a specified string.

exp Method

Returns e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to a power.

fixed Method

Places HTML <TT> tags around text in a String object.

floor Method

Returns the greatest integer less than or equal to its numeric argument.

fontcolor Method

Places an HTML <FONT> tag with the COLOR attribute around the text in a String object.

fontsize Method

Places an HTML <FONT> tag with the SIZE attribute around the text in a String object.

fromCharCode Method

Returns a string from a number of Unicode character values.

getDate Method

Returns the day of the month value in a Date object using local time.

getDay Method

Returns the day of the week value in a Date object using local time.

getFullYear Method

Returns the year value in the Date object using local time.

getHours Method

Returns the hours value in a Date object using local time.

getItem Method

Returns the item at the specified location.

getMilliseconds Method

Returns the milliseconds value in a Date object using local time.

getMinutes Method

Returns the minutes value stored in a Date object using local time.

getMonth Method

Returns the month value in the Date object using local time.

getSeconds Method

Returns seconds value stored in a Date object using local time.

getTime Method

Returns the time value in a Date object.

getTimezoneOffset Method

Returns the difference in minutes between the time on the host computer and Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

getUTCDate Method

Returns the date value in a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

getUTCDay Method

Returns the day of the week value in a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

getUTCFullYear Method

Returns the year value in a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

getUTCHours Method

Returns the hours value in a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

getUTCMilliseconds Method

Returns the milliseconds value in a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

getUTCMinutes Method

Returns the minutes value in a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

getUTCMonth Method

Returns the month value in a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

getUTCSeconds Method

Returns the seconds value in a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

getVarDate Method

Returns the VT_DATE value in a Date object.

getYear Method

Returns the year value in a Date object.

hasOwnProperty Method

Returns a Boolean value indicating whether an object has a property with the specified name.

indexOf Method

Returns the character position where the first occurrence of a substring occurs within a String object.

isFinite Method

Returns a Boolean value that indicates if a supplied number is finite.

isNaN Method

Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether a value is the reserved value NaN (not a number).

isPrototypeOf Method

Returns a Boolean value indicating whether an object exists in another object's prototype chain.

italics Method

Places HTML <I> tags around text in a String object.

item Method

Returns the current item in the collection.

join Method

Returns a String object consisting of all the elements of an array concatenated together.

lastIndexOf Method

Returns the last occurrence of a substring within a String object.

lbound Method

Returns the lowest index value used in the specified dimension of a VBArray.

link Method

Places an HTML anchor with an HREF attribute around the text in a String object.

localeCompare Method

Returns a value indicating whether two strings are equivalent in the current locale.

log Method

Returns the natural logarithm of a number.

match Method

Returns, as an array, the results of a search on a string using a supplied Regular Expression object.

max Method

Returns the greater of two supplied numeric expressions.

min Method

Returns the lesser of two supplied numbers.

moveFirst Method

Resets the current item in the collection to the first item.

moveNext Method

Moves the current item to the next item in the collection.

parse Method

Parses a string containing a date, and returns the number of milliseconds between that date and midnight, January 1, 1970.

parseFloat Method

Returns a floating-point number converted from a string.

parseInt Method

Returns an integer converted from a string.

pop Method

Removes the last element from an array and returns it.

pow Method

Returns the value of a base expression raised to a specified power.

push Method

Appends new elements to an array, and returns the new length of the array.

random Method

Returns a pseudorandom number between 0 and 1.

replace Method

Returns a copy of a string with text replaced using a regular expression.

reverse Method

Returns an Array object with the elements reversed.

round Method

Returns a specified numeric expression rounded to the nearest integer.

search Method

Returns the position of the first substring match in a regular expression search.

setDate Method

Sets the numeric date of the Date object using local time.

setFullYear Method

Sets the year value in the Date object using local time.

setHours Method

Sets the hour value in the Date object using local time.

setMilliseconds Method

Sets the milliseconds value in the Date object using local time.

setMinutes Method

Sets the minutes value in the Date object using local time.

setMonth Method

Sets the month value in the Date object using local time.

setSeconds Method

Sets the seconds value in the Date object using local time.

setTime Method

Sets the date and time value in the Date object.

setUTCDate Method

Sets the numeric date in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

setUTCFullYear Method

Sets the year value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

setUTCHours Method

Sets the hours value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

setUTCMilliseconds Method

Sets the milliseconds value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

setUTCMinutes Method

Sets the minutes value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

setUTCMonth Method

Sets the month value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

setUTCSeconds Method

Sets the seconds value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

setYear Method

Sets the year value in the Date object.

shift Method

Removes the first element from an array and returns it.

sin Method

Returns the sine of a number.

slice Method (Array)

Returns a section of an array.

slice Method (String)

Returns a section of a string.

small Method

Places HTML <SMALL> tags around text in a String object.

sort Method

Returns an Array object with the elements sorted.

splice Method

Removes elements from an array and, if necessary, inserts new elements in their place, returning the deleted elements.

split Method

Returns the array of strings that results when a string is separated into substrings.

sqrt Method

Returns the square root of a number.

strike Method

Places HTML <STRIKE> tags around text in a String object.

sub Method

Places HTML <SUB> tags around text in a String object.

substr Method

Returns a substring beginning at a specified location and having a specified length.

substring Method

Returns the substring at a specified location within a String object.

sup Method

Places HTML <SUP> tags around text in a String object.

tan Method

Returns the tangent of a number.

test Method

Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether or not a pattern exists in a searched string.

toArray Method

Returns a standard JScript array converted from a VBArray.

toDateString Method

Returns a date as a string value.

toExponential Method

Returns a string containing a number represented in exponential notation.

toFixed Method

Returns a string representing a number in fixed-point notation.

toGMTString Method

Returns a date converted to a string using Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

toLocaleDateString Method

Returns a date as a string value appropriate to the host environment’s current locale.

toLocaleLowercase Method

Returns a string where all alphabetic characters have been converted to lowercase, taking into account the host environment's current locale.

toLocaleTimeString Method

Returns a time as a string value appropriate to the host environment’s current locale.

toLocaleString Method

Returns a date converted to a string using the current locale.

toLocaleUppercase Method

Returns a string where all alphabetic characters have been converted to uppercase, taking into account the host environment's current locale.

toLowerCase Method

Returns a string where all alphabetic characters have been converted to lowercase.

toPrecision Method

Returns a string containing a number represented either in exponential or fixed-point notation with a specified number of digits.

toString Method

Returns a string representation of an object.

toTimeString Method

Returns a time as a string value.

toUpperCase Method

Returns a string where all alphabetic characters have been converted to uppercase.

toUTCString Method

Returns a date converted to a string using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

ubound Method

Returns the highest index value used in the specified dimension of the VBArray.

unescape Method

Decodes String objects encoded with the escape method.

unshift Method

Returns an array with specified elements inserted at the beginning.

UTC Method

Returns the number of milliseconds between midnight, January 1, 1970 Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) (or GMT) and the supplied date.

valueOf Method

Returns the primitive value of the specified object.