Supported Text-Format Properties
- align : String
A string that indicates the alignment of the paragraph ("left", "center", "right" or "justify").
- blockIndent : Number
A number that indicates the block indentation in points.
- bold : Boolean
A Boolean value that specifies whether the text is boldface.
- bullet : Boolean
A Boolean value that indicates that the text is part of a bulleted list.
- color : Number
Indicates the color of text.
- font : String
The name of the font for text in this text format, as a string.
- indent : Number
An integer that indicates the indentation from the left margin to the first character in the paragraph.
- italic : Boolean
A Boolean value that indicates whether text in this text format is italicized.
- kerning : Boolean
A Boolean value that indicates whether kerning is enabled or disabled.
- leading : Number
An integer that represents the amount of vertical space in pixels (called leading) between lines.
- leftMargin : Number
The left margin of the paragraph, in points.
- letterSpacing : Number
The amount of space that is uniformly distributed between characters.
- rightMargin : Number
The right margin of the paragraph, in points.
- size : Number
The point size of text in this text format.
- tabStops : Array
Specifies custom tab stops as an array of non-negative integers.
- underline : Boolean
A Boolean value that indicates whether the text that uses this text format is underlined (true) or not (false).