swfExport Xtra v0.3 (c) 2009 Valentin Schmidt This Xtra is freeware. swfExport is a scripting xtra that can be used to export vectorshape-members or embedded flash-members as swf-files. *************************************************************** FUNCTION OVERVIEW ([...] = optional parameters, can be omitted) *************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------- integer exportSWF (any memRef, string fileName[, integer compressionFlag]) --------------------------------------------------------------- Description: ============ Exports member to file . If the optional parameter is specified and TRUE, the resulting file will be zlib-compressed (Notice: compressed SWFs need Flash-Player 6 or newer). Returns TRUE (1) if successful, FALSE (0) if an error occured. Example usage: ============== exportSWF( member(12, 1), the moviepath&"output.swf", TRUE )