-- xtra SQLite -- SQLite Xtra v0.27 (c) 2017 Valentin Schmidt -- SQLite version: SQLite Xtra is free SQL-capable database xtra. It's based on the open source database engine "SQLite". SQLite implements most of the SQL92 standard (for details and documentation see https://www.sqlite.org/) SQLite Xtra uses a naming convention for its basic database functions that is similar to the PHP implementation of SQLite. In addition, it has a couple of utilitiy functions for embedding/retrieving binary data (binary strings, external files, arbitrary cast members) into/from a database. FEATURES ======== - direct support for storing and retrieving members (media/compressedmedia), images and arbitrary binary strings. - support of using arbitrary lingo functions (so called User Defined Functions, UDFs, either non-aggregate or aggregate) inside SQL statements - support of registering callback functions for queries. - loadable extensions: Beginning after version 3.3.6, SQLite has the ability to load new SQL functions and collating sequences from shared libraries and DLLs. This means that you no longer have to recompile SQLite in order to add new functions and collations. see https://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki?p=LoadableExtensions - full-text indexing/full-text search capabilities built-in (based on FTS4) see https://www.sqlite.org/fts3.html INTERFACE: ========== -- CONSTRUCTOR: new object me, * -- BASIC COMMANDS: sqlite_open object me, string db_filename, *error_list, read_only_flag sqlite_close object me sqlite_exec object me, string sql, *var_list, error_list, callback sqlite_fetch object me, string sql, *result_type, error_list, auto_decode_flag sqlite_last_insert_rowid object me, *error_list sqlite_changes object me, *error_list sqlite_create_function object me, string function_name, integer num_args sqlite_create_aggregate object me, string function_name, integer num_args, *finalizeFuncName sqlite_busy_timeout object me, integer milliseconds sqlite_last_error object me sqlite_load_extension object me, string filename, *entry_point -- UTILITIES: *sqlite_version *sqlite_error_string integer error *sqlite_escape_string string input *sqlite_encode_binary_string string binary_string *sqlite_decode_binary_string string encoded_string *sqlite_encode_binary_file string filename *sqlite_decode_binary_file string encoded_string, string filename *sqlite_encode_member any member_ref, *useCompressedMedia *sqlite_decode_member string encoded_string, any member_ref *sqlite_member_to_binary_string any member_ref, *useCompressedMedia *sqlite_member_to_binary_file any member_ref, string filename, *useCompressedMedia *sqlite_binary_string_to_member string binary_string, any member_ref *sqlite_binary_file_to_member string filename, any member_ref -- BYTEARRAY CONVERSION (D11.5+ only): *sqlite_binary_string_to_bytearray string binary_string *sqlite_bytearray_to_binary_string any bytearray, *offset, *size DOCUMENTATION ABOUT SQLITE AND SQL: =================================== See infos at --> https://www.sqlite.org/ --> https://www.sqlite.org/lang.html SOME HINTS: =========== 1) COMPACT A DATABASE ===================== See infos at --> https://www.sqlite.org/lang_vacuum.html Examples: ok = sx.sqlite_exec("VACUUM", 0, err) ok = sx.sqlite_exec("VACUUM someTableName", 0, err) 2) DATABASE SCHEMA (information about database, tables, indexes etc.) ================== See infos at --> https://sqlite.org/faq.html#q7 Examples: put sx.sqlite_fetch("SELECT * FROM sqlite_master") put sx.sqlite_fetch("SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'") put sx.sqlite_fetch("SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='index'") 3) USE SQL WITHOUT FILE, IN MEMORY ONLY ======================================= See infos at: --> https://www.sqlite.org/inmemorydb.html Example: sx = xtra("SQLite").new() ok = sx.sqlite_open(":memory:") if (ok=0) then put "ERROR: Error opening Database!" else put sx.sqlite_fetch_single("SELECT MAX(1,2)", 0, 1) sx.sqlite_close() end if sx = 0 4) PRAGMA STATEMENTS ==================== See infos at --> https://www.sqlite.org/pragma.html Examples: put db.sqlite_fetch_single("PRAGMA cache_size;", err) db.sqlite_exec("PRAGMA cache_size=4000;", 0, err) put db.sqlite_fetch_single("PRAGMA encoding;", err) db.sqlite_exec("PRAGMA temp_store=1;", 0, err) put db.sqlite_fetch_single("PRAGMA temp_store;", err) put db.sqlite_fetch("PRAGMA database_list;", err) put db.sqlite_fetch("PRAGMA table_info('random_numbers');", err) 5) LOADING EXTENSIONS (DLLs) ============================ See infos at --> https://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki?p=LoadableExtensions Examples: ok = sx.sqlite_exec("SELECT load_extension(#)", [_movie.path&"MBS.dll"]) or ok = sx.sqlite_load_extension(_movie.path&"MBS.dll"]) 6) FULLTEXT SEARCH (FTS4) ========================= See infos at --> https://www.sqlite.org/fts3.html 7) OPEN SEVERAL DATABASE FILES AT THE SAME TIME (and even use them together in the same query) ============================================================================================== See infos at --> https://sqlite.org/lang_attach.html --> https://sqlite.org/lang_detach.html Example: sx = xtra("SQLite").new() sx.sqlite_open(_movie.path&"adressbook.db") sx.sqlite_exec("ATTACH DATABASE '"&_movie.path&"customers.db' AS customers") put db.sqlite_fetch("INSERT INTO adresses(name, fon) SELECT name,fon FROM customers.adresses") sx.sqlite_exec("DETACH DATABASE customers") 8) VIEWS ======== See infos at --> https://www.sqlite.org/lang_createview.html --> https://www.sqlite.org/lang_dropview.html Example: CREATE VIEW v_europe AS SELECT name, population AS pop FROM world WHERE region='Europe'; SELECT * FROM v_europe 9) TRIGGERS =========== See infos at --> https://www.sqlite.org/lang_createtrigger.html --> https://www.sqlite.org/lang_droptrigger.html Example: CREATE TRIGGER update_customer_address UPDATE OF address ON customers BEGIN UPDATE orders SET address = new.address WHERE customer_name = old.name; END; 10) INDEXES =========== See infos at --> https://www.sqlite.org/lang_createindex.html --> https://www.sqlite.org/lang_dropindex.html Example: CREATE TABLE author ( author_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name CHAR(100) ); CREATE INDEX au_name_idx ON author (name); 11) CREATE/USE AN ENCRYPTED DATABASE ==================================== sx.sqlite_open(_movie.path & "test.db") sx.sqlite_exec("PRAGMA key = 'your_passphrase'") --> call this right after opening the db ...