################################################## # QtWidgets Xtra ################################################## -- xtra QtWidgets -- v0.47 (c) 2016 Valentin Schmidt new object me -- GENERAL getScreenInfos object me hasWebKit object me -- returns true for WebKit version and false for minimal version of QtWidgets Xtra setDropCallback object me, symbol callback, *callbackTarget setIdleSleep object me, integer milliseconds setWhatsThisMode object me, integer enable loadResourceFile object me, string resFilename loadResourceData object me, any resData -- OBJECTS newObject object me, symbol objectClass, *parentwidgetID setObjectCallback object me, integer objectID, symbol signal, *symbol callback, callbackTarget callObject object me, any objectIDOrClass, symbol action, *arguments -- WIDGETS/WINDOWS/DIALOGS createWidgetRegion object me, *rect, hwnd, movienum newWidget object me, any widgetClassOrUIFileOrData, *parentID, options ; NOTICE: ; Passing UIFileOrData to newWidget() is DEPRECATED, feature will be removed in the future! ; Use new object UiLoader instead! setWidgetCallback object me, integer widgetID, symbol signal, *symbol callback, callbackTarget setEventCallback object me, integer widgetID, integer eventType, *symbol callback, callbackTarget callWidget object me, any widgetIDOrClass, symbol action, arguments -- Mac-Utilities for path conversion *qx_hfs2posix string *qx_posix2hfs string * means: this and all following arguments are optional and can be omitted (same applies to the API descriptions in the rest of this document) ################################################## # INDEX ################################################## 1. INTRODUCTION 2. DIALOGS 2.1 AVAILABLE DIALOG/WINDOW-TYPES 2.2 DIALOGS IN DETAIL 3. WIDGETS 3.1 AVAILABLE WIDGETS 3.2 GENERIC WIDGET/WINDOW ACTIONS 3.3 GENERIC WIDGET/WINDOW SIGNALS 3.4 WIDGETS IN DETAIL 4. OBJECTS 4.1 AVAILABLE OBJECTS 4.2 GENERIC OBJECT ACTIONS 4.3 OBJECTS IN DETAIL ################################################## # 1. INTRODUCTION ################################################## a) Basic concepts of Qt ======================= - Object oriented architecture, heavy use of (multiple) inheritance - Most classes are derived from QObject - Most visual component classes (widgets, windows, dialogs, ...) are derived from QWidget (which is also derived from QObject) - An overview over all Qt classes and their methods and properties is available at: http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/classes.html - Signals & Slots concept - see: - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signals_and_slots - http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/signalsandslots.html b) Basic concepts of QtWidget xtra ================================== - Nested structure of widgets in widgets in widgets... Windows/dialogs are also widgets (that contain sub-widgets ...) - Function newObject(): Creates a non-visual object, like #Application, #FTP, #Image, ... Returns an objectID that can be used with callObject. When a parentwidgetID (=widgetID, windowID or regionID) is specified, the object is automatically destroyed when that widget was detroyed. - Function newWidget(): Creates a widget inside an existing widget specified by parentID. parentID can be: - omitted (= no parent) - -1 (= use current projector as parent) - the ID of an existing widget/window - the ID of a widgetRegion that was previously created with 'createWidgetRegion' Returns a widgetID that can be used with callWidget - Function showDialog(): [DEPRECATED!] creates and opens a dialog window in synchronous/blocking mode, returns result of user interaction directly to lingo, automatically destroys the object and frees memory when the window is closed -> DEPRECATED: use exec() function for modal synchronous dialogs instead! (see movie script "DIALOGS_SYNC_WRAPPER" in the demo for synchronous dialog wrapper functions) - concept of 'widgetRegions' - all objectIDs and widgetIDs: integers>0 (0 means error) - actions and signals: callObject/callWidget and setObjectCallback/setWidgetCallback - D10/D11.5+ compatibility (using binary strings in D10, ByteArrays in D11.5+) - whenever options are specified as integers (enumerations): see definitions in enclosed 'Qt_Namespace.htm' - with regard to QtWidgets xtra "object" actually means "objects that are NOT widgets", i.e. no GUI components. only those are created with newObject(#objectClass) and called with callObject(objectID, ...), for GUI components, windows, dialogs etc. you have to use newWidget(#widgetClass) and callWidget(widgetID, ...) instead - memory management, #destroy, concept of 'parentID' - events: setEventCallback, see enclosed 'events.txt' c) Features of QtWidgets xtra ============================= - native GUI widgets (controls) - native windows and dialogs - aplication window elements like MenuBars, ToolBars, StatusBar, SystemTrayIcon, Context Menus, ... - loading preconfigured GUIs from UI files or members - loading resources (e.g. icons) from a binary resource file or member - SVG viewer - WebKit browser - Printing (including PageSetup and PrintPreview Dialogs) - PDF and PostScript export - Layout Managers - specify masks (as shape or 1-bit image) for QtWidget regions - Drag-and-Drop - Clipboard access (read/write) - FTP support - read/write various image formats - capture image of windows or individual widgets - HTTP/HTTPS API (custom HTTP headers, custom HTTP requests, ...) - vector graphics drawing API (including quadratic and cubic bezier curves) - read/write support of 'Pictures' (=proprietary metaformat containing texts/vector graphics/bitmaps) - TCP sockets - UDP sockets (unfinished, TODO) - Timer Object (as alternative to lingo timeouts, also supports single-shot timers) ################################################## # 2. DIALOGS ################################################## Synchronous/blocking mode implemented as static functions: qQt.callWidget(symbol widgetClass, symbol action, ...) (example: qQt.callWidget(#MessageBox, #aboutQt) For asynchronous/non-blocking mode use like normal widgets, create dialog with qQt.newWidget(...), then call instance methods (actions) with qQt.callWidget(int widgetID, symbol action, ...) ################################################## # 2.1 AVAILABLE DIALOG/WINDOW-TYPES ################################################## - Dialog - ColorDialog - FileDialog - FontDialog - InputDialog - MessageBox - PageSetupDialog - PrintDialog - PrintPreviewDialog - ProgressDialog - Wizard ################################################## # 2.2 DIALOGS IN DETAIL ################################################## ================================================== [Dialog] ; generic, inherited by all dialogs. Since dialgs are widgets, they also inherit ; ALL generic widget methods ================================================== ACTIONS: -exec () -> int -open () ;generic widget actions specifically for windows/dialogs (also listed under 3.2): ;- setWindowFlags (int) ;- setWindowModality (int) ;- setWindowTitle (string title) SIGNALS: #accepted #finished -> int result #rejected ================================================== [ColorDialog] ================================================== STATIC: +getColor (int widgetID, *color defaultColor, string caption) -> color ACTIONS: -currentColor () -> color -exec () -> int -selectedColor () -> color -setCurrentColor (obj color) -setOption (int option, bool on) SIGNALS: #colorSelected -> color #currentColorChanged -> color ================================================== [FileDialog] ================================================== STATIC: +getExistingDirectory (int widgetID, string caption, string dir, *int options) -> string +getOpenFileName (int widgetID, string caption, string dir, string filter, *int options) -> string +getOpenFileNames (int widgetID, string caption, string dir, string filter, *int options) -> list +getSaveFileName (int widgetID, string caption, string dir, string filter, *int options) -> string ACTIONS: -exec () -> int -selectedFiles () -> list -selectFile (string) -setAcceptMode (int) -setDefaultSuffix (string) -setDirectory (string) -setFileMode (int) -setFilter (int) -setLabelText (int, string) -setNameFilters (list) -setOption (int option, bool on) -setSidebarUrls (list of string|int) -setViewMode (int) SIGNALS: #currentChanged -> string path #directoryEntered -> string directory #fileSelected -> string file #filesSelected -> list selectedFiles #filterSelected -> string filter ================================================== [FontDialog] ================================================== STATIC: +getFont (int widgetID, *int fontID, string caption) -> string ACTIONS: -currentFont () -> int objectID -exec () -> int -selectedFont () -> int objectID -setCurrentFont (int objectID) -setCurrentFont (string family, float|int size[, int weight, bool italic]) -setCurrentFont (string fontDescription) -setOption (int option, bool on) SIGNALS: #currentFontChanged -> string fontDescription #fontSelected -> string fontDescription ================================================== [InputDialog] ================================================== STATIC: +getText (int widgetID, string caption, string label, int echoMode, string text) -> string ACTIONS: -exec () -> int -setCancelButtonText (string) -setDecimals (int decimals) -setInputMode (int) QInputDialog::TextInput 0 Used to input text strings. QInputDialog::IntInput 1 Used to input integers. QInputDialog::DoubleInput 2 Used to input floating point numbers with double precision accuracy. -setLabelText (string) -setMaximum (float|int max) -setMinimum (float|int min) -setOkButtonText (string) -setOption (int option, bool on) -setRange (float|int min, float|int max) -setStep (int step) -setTextEchoMode (int) QLineEdit::Normal 0 Display characters as they are entered. This is the default. QLineEdit::NoEcho 1 Do not display anything. This may be appropriate for passwords where even the length of the password should be kept secret. QLineEdit::Password 2 Display asterisks instead of the characters actually entered. QLineEdit::PasswordEchoOnEdit 3 Display characters as they are entered while editing otherwise display asterisks. -setValue (float|int|string value) -value () -> float|int|string SIGNALS: #textValueChanged -> string #textValueSelected -> string ================================================== [MessageBox] ================================================== STATIC: +about (int widgetID, string caption, string text) +aboutQt (int widgetID, *string caption) +critical (int widgetID, string caption, string text, *int buttons, int defaultButton) -> int +information (int widgetID, string caption, string text, *int buttons, int defaultButton) -> int +question (int widgetID, string caption, string text, *int buttons, int defaultButton) -> int +warning (int widgetID, string caption, string text, *int buttons, int defaultButton) -> int ACTIONS: -addButton (string|int PushButtonID, int role) -exec () -> int -setDefaultButton (int) -setDetailedText (string) -setIcon (int) -setStandardButtons (int) -setText (string) -setTextFormat (int) SIGNALS: #accepted #finished -> int result #rejected ================================================== [PageSetupDialog] ================================================== CREATE: -newWidget (#PageSetupDialog, *parentID, printerID) ACTIONS: -exec () -> int ================================================== [PrintDialog] ================================================== CREATE: -newWidget (#PrintDialog, *parentID, printerID) ACTIONS: -exec () -> int -setPrinter (printerID) ================================================== [PrintPreviewDialog] ================================================== STATIC: ; any WebView, but only programmatically created editors are supported! +show(int widgetID, list|webWiewID|textEditID|plainTextEditID|scintillaID, *int printerID) CREATE: -newWidget (#PrintPreviewDialog, *parentID, printerID) ACTIONS: -exec() -> int -setPictures (list pictureIDs) -setProvider (int webWiewID|textEditID|plainTextEditID|scintillaID) ; any WebView, but only programmatically created editors are supported! SIGNALS: #paintRequested -> int printerID #accepted #finished -> int result #rejected ================================================== [ProgressDialog] ================================================== ACTIONS: -setAutoClose (bool) -setAutoReset (bool) -setCancelButtonText (string) -setLabelText (string) -setMaximum (int) -setMinimum (int) -setValue (int) SIGNALS: #canceled ================================================== [Wizard] ================================================== ACTIONS: -addPage (int wizardPageID) SIGNALS: #currentIdChanged -> int pageID #accepted #finished -> int result #rejected ################################################## # 3. WIDGETS ################################################## ################################################## # 3.1 AVAILABLE WIDGETS ################################################## ; classic GUI widgets (controls) - Widget (=base class) - CalendarWidget - CheckBox - ComboBox - DateEdit - DateTimeEdit - Dial - Dialog - DockWidget - DoubleSpinBox - FontComboBox - Frame - GroupBox - Label - LineEdit - ListWidget - MainWindow - Menu - MenuBar - PlainTextEdit - ProgressBar - PushButton - RadioButton - Scintilla ; requires Plugin - ScrollBar - Slider - SpinBox - StackedWidget - StatusBar - TabBar - TableWidget - TabWidget - TextBrowser - TextEdit - TimeEdit - ToolBar - ToolBox - ToolButton - TreeView - TreeWidget - WizardPage ; special widgets - SvgWidget - WebView [not available in minimal version] (available only if xtra was compiled with WebKit support) ; windows/dialogs - Dialog (=base class) - ColorDialog - FileOpenDialog - FileSaveAsDialog - FolderSelectDialog - FontDialog - InputDialog - MessageBox - PageSetupDialog - PrintDialog - PrintPreviewDialog - ProgressDialog - Wizard ################################################## # 3.2 GENERIC WIDGET/WINDOW ACTIONS ################################################## ================================================== [Widget] ================================================== STATIC: +find (int WID) -> int widgetID ACTIONS -actions () -> list actionIDs -activateWindow () -adjustSize () -childAt (int x, int y) -> int widgetID -children () -> list widgetIDs -className () -> string -clearFocus () -clearMask () -close () -contentsMargins () -> rect -contentsRect () -> rect -destroy () -findChild (string widgetOrObjectName, *symbol widgetOrObjectClass, bool isObject) -> int widgetOrObjectID -findChildren (*string widgetName, *symbol widgetClass) -> list widgetIDs -focusWidget () -> int widgetID -getFont () -> int objectID -getFontMetrics () -> int objectID -frameGeometry () -> rect -geometry () -> rect -getPalette () -> int objectID -grabGesture (int gestureType) -grabKeyboard () -grabMouse () -grabShortcut (string keySequence) -height () -> int -hide () -isFullScreen() -> bool -isHidden () -> bool -isMaximized () -> bool -isMinimized () -> bool -isVisible () -> bool -layout () -lower () -minimumSizeHint () -> point -move (int x, int y) -objectName () -> string -parentWidget () -> int widgetID -pos () -> point -raise () -rect () -> rect -releaseKeyboard () -releaseMouse () -resize (int w, int h) -scroll (int dx, int dy) -setAcceptDrops (bool on) -setAttribute (int attr, bool on) -setAutoFillBackground (bool on) -setContentsMargins (int left, int top, int right, int bottom) -setContextMenuPolicy (int policy) -setCursor (int) -setDisabled (bool disable) -setFixedHeight (int) -setFixedSize (int w, int h) -setFixedWidth (int) -setFocus (*int reason) -setFocusPolicy (int policy) -setFont (int objectID) -setFont (string fontDescription) -setFont (string family, float|int size[, int weight, bool italic]) -setGeometry (rect) -setGraphicsEffect (symbol effectType, ...) -setLayout (int objectID) -setMask (rect|list|image) -setMaximumSize (int w, int h) -setMinimumSize (int w, int h) -setMouseTracking (bool) -setObjectName (string) -setPalette (int objectID) -setParent (int widgetID) -setSizePolicy (int horizontal, int vertical) -setStatusTip (string) ; supported styles for Win: #CleanlooksStyle, #MotifStyle, #PlastiqueStyle, #WindowsStyle ; supported styles for Mac: #CleanlooksStyle, #MotifStyle, #PlastiqueStyle, #MacStyle -setStyle (symbol style) -setStyleSheet (string styleSheet) -setTabOrder (int firstwidgetID, int secondwidgetID ) -setToolTip (string) -setUpdatesEnabled (bool) -setVisible (bool) -setWhatsThis (string) -setWindowFlags (int) -setWindowIcon (image|string icon) -setWindowModality (int) -setWindowModified (bool) -setWindowState (int windowState) -setWindowTitle (string title) -show () -showFullScreen () -showMaximized () -showMinimized () -showNormal() -size () -> point -sizeHint () -> point -statusTip () -> string -testAttribute (int) -> bool -underMouse () -> bool -widgetClass () -> symbol -width () -> int -windowFlags () -> int -windowModality () -> int -windowState () -> int -windowTitle () -> string -winId () -> int -x () -> int -y () -> int ################################################## # 3.4 GENERIC WIDGET/WINDOW SIGNALS ################################################## #customContextMenuRequested -> point ################################################## # 3.4 WIDGETS IN DETAIL ################################################## ================================================== [CalendarWidget] ================================================== ACTIONS: -selectedDate () -> string ("YYYYMMDD") -setSelectedDate (int Y, int M, int D) SIGNALS: #currentPageChanged -> int year, int month #selectionChanged ================================================== [CheckBox] ================================================== ACTIONS: -iconSize () -> list widthAndHeight -isChecked () -> bool -setChecked (bool) -setIcon (image|string icon) -setIconSize (int w, int h) -setText (string) -text () -> string -toggle () SIGNALS: #clicked -> bool checked #pressed #released #stateChanged -> int #toggled -> bool checked ================================================== [ComboBox] ================================================== ACTIONS: -addItem (string name[, string data]) -count () -> int -currentIndex () -> int -currentText () -> string -findText (string, *int flags) -> int -getItemData (int) -> string -getItemText (int) -> string -insertItem (int index, string text, string data[, image|string icon]) -removeItem (int) -setCurrentIndex (int) -setEditable (bool) -setEditText (string) -setItemData (int, string) -setItemText (int, string) SIGNALS: #activated -> sting #currentIndexChanged -> int ================================================== [DateEdit] ================================================== ACTIONS: -date () -> string ("YYYYMMDD") -displayFormat () -> string -setDate (int Y, int M, int D) -setDisplayFormat (string format) -SetMaximumDate (int y, int m, int d) -SetMinimumDate (int y, int m, int d) SIGNALS: #dateTimeChanged -> string dateTime ================================================== [DateTimeEdit] ================================================== ACTIONS: -dateTime () -> string ("YYYYMMDD hh:mm:ss") -displayFormat () -> string -setDateTime (int Y, int M, int D, [int h, int m, int s]) -setDisplayFormat (string format) -SetMaximumDate (int y, int m, int d) -SetMinimumDate (int y, int m, int d) -SetMaximumTime (int h, int min, int s) -SetMinimumTime (int h, int min, int s) SIGNALS: #dateTimeChanged -> string dateTime ================================================== [Dial] ================================================== ACTIONS: -setValue (int) -value () -> int SIGNALS: #valueChanged -> int ================================================== [Dialog] ================================================== ACTIONS: -done (int res) -open () SIGNALS: #accepted #finished #rejected ================================================== [DockWidget] ================================================== ACTIONS: -setAllowedAreas (int areas) -setFeatures (int features) -setFloating (bool floating) -setTitleBarWidget (int widgetID) -setWidget (int widgetID) SIGNALS: #visibilityChanged -> bool ================================================== [DoubleSpinBox] (see also SpinBox) ================================================== ACTIONS: -setRange (float min, float max) -setSingleStep (float) -setValue (float) -value () -> float SIGNALS: #valueChanged -> float ================================================== [FontComboBox] ================================================== ACTIONS: -count () -> int -currentIndex () -> int -currentText () -> string -findText (string, *int flags) -> int -getItemText (int) -> string -setCurrentIndex (int) SIGNALS: #activated -> sting #currentIndexChanged -> int ================================================== [Frame] ================================================== ACTIONS: -setFrameRect (rect) -setFrameShadow (int shadow) -setFrameShape (int shape) -setFrameStyle (int style) -setLineWidth (int) -setMidLineWidth (int) ================================================== [GroupBox] ================================================== ACTIONS: -isChecked () -> bool -setCheckable (bool) -setChecked (bool) -setTitle (string) -title () -> string SIGNALS: #clicked -> bool checked #toggled -> bool on ================================================== [Label] ================================================== ACTIONS: -setAlignment (int) -setBuddy (int widgetID) -setImage (int objectID|image|filename) -setIndent (int) -setMargin (int) -setOpenExternalLinks (bool) -setPicture (int objectID) -setText (string) -setTextFormat (int) -text () -> string -setWordWrap (bool) SIGNALS: #linkActivated -> string #linkHovered -> string ================================================== [LineEdit] ================================================== ACTIONS: -inputMask () -> string -selectAll () -setEchoMode (int mode) -setInputMask (string mask) -setPlaceholderText (string txt) -setText (string) -text () -> string SIGNALS: #returnPressed #cursorPositionChanged -> int old, int new #selectionChanged #textEdited -> string ================================================== [ListWidget] ================================================== ACTIONS: -addItem (int ListWidgetItemID|string) -clear () -count () -> int -currentRow () -> int -insertItem (int row, int ListWidgetItemID|string) -item (int row) -> int ListWidgetItemID ;itemWidget (int ListWidgetItem) -> int WidgetID ; TODO -removeItem (int row) -selectedItems () -> list -setCurrentItem (int ListWidgetItemID) -setCurrentRow (int row) -setDragDropMode (int) -setDragEnabled (bool) -setItemWidget (int ListWidgetItemID, int WidgetID) -setSortingEnabled (bool) -sortingEnabled () -> bool -sortItems () SIGNALS: #currentRowChanged -> int #activated -> int index #clicked -> int index #doubleClicked -> int index #entered -> int index #pressed -> int index ================================================== [MainWindow] ================================================== ACTIONS: -setCentralWidget (int widgetID) -getMenuBar () -> int menu_id -setMenuBar (int widgetID) -setStatusBar (int widgetID) -addToolBar (int widgetID) -addToolBarBreak (int area) -setToolButtonStyle (int style) -addDockWidget (int area, int DockWidgetID) -removeDockWidget (DockWidgetID) ================================================== [Menu] ================================================== ACTIONS: -addAction (int objectID) -addMenu (string menuname) -> int menu_id -addSeparator() -exec (*point) -setTitle (string) SIGNALS: #triggered -> string ================================================== [MenuBar] ================================================== ACTIONS: -addMenu (int menu_id) -> int menu_id -addMenu (string menuname) -> int menu_id SIGNALS: #triggered -> string ================================================== [PlainTextEdit] ================================================== ACTIONS: -appendPlainText (string) -blockCount () -> int -clear () -copy () -cut () -findText (string, *int options) -> bool -insertPlainText (string) -paste () -print (int printerID) -redo () -selectAll () -setPlainText (string) -setViewportMargins (int left, int top, int right, int bottom) -toPlainText () -> string -undo () SIGNALS: #blockCountChanged -> int #cursorPositionChanged #selectionChanged #textChanged #copyAvailable -> bool #redoAvailable -> bool #undoAvailable -> bool ================================================== [ProgressBar] ================================================== ACTIONS: -setAlignment (int) -setFormat (string) -setInvertedAppearance (bool on) -setMaximum (int) -setMinimum (int) -setTextVisible (bool on) -setValue (int) -text () -> string SIGNALS: #valueChanged -> int newValue ================================================== [PushButton] ================================================== ACTIONS: -iconSize () -> list widthAndHeight -setChecked (bool on) -setDefault (bool on) -setFlat (bool on) -setIcon (image|string icon) -setIconSize (int w, int h) -setMenu (int menuID) -setText (string) -text () -> string SIGNALS: #clicked #pressed #released ================================================== [RadioButton] ================================================== ACTIONS: -iconSize () -> list widthAndHeight -isChecked () -> bool -setAutoExclusive (bool on) -setChecked (bool) -setIcon (image|string icon) -setIconSize (int w, int h) -setText (string) -text () -> string -toggle () SIGNALS: #clicked #pressed #released #toggled -> bool checked ================================================== [Scintilla] ; requires Plugin (qscintillaplugin.dll and qscintilla2.dll) ================================================== ACTIONS: -clear () -copy () -cut () -isModified () -> bool -paste () -print (int printerID) -redo () -setAutoIndent (bool) -setBraceMatching (int type) -setCaretLineBackgroundColor (color) -setCaretLineVisible (bool) -setFolding (int style) -setFont (int fontID) -setLexer (symbol lang) -setMarginLineNumbers (int margin, bool) -setMarginWidth (int margin, int|string width) -setMarginsFont (int fontID) -setModified (bool) -setTabIndents (bool) -setTabWidth (int) -setText (string text) -text () -> string -undo () SIGNALS: #copyAvailable -> bool #cursorPositionChanged -> int lineNum, int index #modificationChanged -> bool #selectionChanged #textChanged ================================================== [ScrollArea] ================================================== ACTIONS: -ensureVisible (int x, int y) -ensureWidgetVisible (int widgetID) -setAlignment (int) -setWidget (int widgetID) -setWidgetResizable (bool) ================================================== [ScrollBar] ================================================== ACTIONS: -setOrientation (int) -setRange (int min, int max) -setTracking (bool enable) -setValue (int val) -value () -> int SIGNALS: #sliderMoved -> int value #valueChanged -> int value ================================================== [Slider] ================================================== ACTIONS: -setOrientation (int) -setRange (int min, int max) -setTickInterval (int interval) -setTickPosition (int position) 0=QSlider::NoTicks 1=QSlider::TicksAbove/QSlider::TicksLeft 2=QSlider::TicksBelow/QSlider::TicksRight 3=QSlider::TicksBothSides -setTracking (bool enable) -setValue (int) -value () -> int SIGNALS: #sliderMoved -> int value #valueChanged -> int ================================================== [SpinBox] (see also DoubleSpinBox) ================================================== ACTIONS: -setRange (int min, int max) -setSingleStep (int) -setValue (int) -value () -> int SIGNALS: #valueChanged -> int ================================================== [Splitter] ================================================== ACTIONS: -addWidget(int WidgetID) -insertWidget(int index, int WidgetID) -setOrientation(int orientation) -setSizes(list sizes) SIGNALS: #splitterMoved -> int pos, int index ================================================== [StackedWidget] ================================================== ACTIONS: -addWidget (int widgetID) -> int index -count () -> int -currentIndex () -> int -indexOf (int widgetID) -> int index -insertWidget (int index, int widgetID) -> int index -removeWidget (int widgetID) -setCurrentIndex (int) -setCurrentWidget (int widgetID) -widgetAt (int index) -> int widgetID SIGNALS: #currentChanged -> int #widgetRemoved -> int ================================================== [StatusBar] ================================================== ACTIONS: -addPermanentWidget (int WidgetID, *int stretch) -setSizeGripEnabled (bool) -showMessage (string, *int timeout) SIGNALS: #messageChanged -> string ================================================== [SvgWidget] ================================================== ACTIONS: -load (string filenamet) -loadData (string svgString) ================================================== [TabBar] ================================================== ACTIONS: -addTab (string text, *image|string icon) -> int -count () -> int -currentIndex () -> int -insertTab (int index, int widgetID, string text, *image|string icon) -> int -removeTab (int index) -setCurrentIndex (int index) -setMovable (bool) -setShape (int) -setTabEnabled (int index, bool enabled) -setTabsClosable (bool) -setTabData (int index, bytearray|string data) -setTabIcon (int index, image|string icon) -setTabText (int index, string text) -setTabTextColor (int index, color) -setTabToolTip int index, string text) -setTabWhatsThis (int index, string text) -setUsesScrollButtons (bool) -tabData (int index) -> bytearray|string -tabIcon (int index) -> image -tabText (int index) -> string SIGNALS: #currentChanged -> int index #tabCloseRequested -> int index #tabMoved -> int from, int to ================================================== [TableView] ================================================== ================================================== [TableWidget] ================================================== ACTIONS: -columnCount () -> int -currentItem () -> int TableWidgetItemID -item (int row, int col) -> int TableWidgetItemID //CHANGED -rowCount () -> int -selectedItems () -> list TableWidgetItemIDs -setAlternatingRowColors (bool) -setColumnCount (int) -setCurrentCell (int row, int col) -setCurrentItem (int TableWidgetItemID) -setItem (int row, int col, int TableWidgetItemID) //CHANGED -setRowCount (int) -setSortingEnabled (bool) -sortItems (int column, int order) -setHorizontalHeaderLabels (list) -setVerticalHeaderLabels (list) SIGNALS: #cellActivated (int row, int column) #cellChanged (int row, int column) #cellClicked (int row, int column) #cellDoubleClicked (int row, int column) #cellEntered (int row, int column) #cellPressed (int row, int column) ================================================== [TabWidget] ================================================== ACTIONS: -addTab (widgetID, string text, *image|string icon) -> int -count () -> int -currentIndex () -> int -insertTab (int index, string text, *image|string icon) -> int widgetID -removeTab (int index) -setCurrentIndex (int index) -- NEW -setElideMode (int mode) 0=Qt::ElideLeft 1=Qt::ElideRight 2=Qt::ElideMiddle 3=Qt::ElideNone -setMovable (bool) -setShape (int) -setTabEnabled (int index, bool enabled) -setTabsClosable (bool) -setTabText (int index, string text) -setTabToolTip int index, string text) -setTabWhatsThis (int index, string text) -setUsesScrollButtons (bool) -tabText (int index) -> string -widgetAt (int index) -> int widgetID SIGNALS: #currentChanged -> int index #tabCloseRequested -> int index ================================================== [TextBrowser] ================================================== ACTIONS: -backward () -forward () -home () -reload () -setHtml (string) -setOpenExternalLinks (bool) -setOpenLinks (bool) -setSource (string) -setText (string) -source () -> string SIGNALS: #anchorClicked -> string #backwardAvailable -> bool #forwardAvailable -> bool #highlighted -> string #historyChanged #sourceChanged -> string ================================================== [TextEdit] ================================================== ACTIONS: -alignment () -> int alignment -createStandardContextMenu () -> int menuID -currentCharFormat () -> int textCharFormatID -ensureCursorVisible () -findText (string, *int options) -> bool -mergeCurrentCharFormat (int textCharFormatID) -print (int printerID) -setAcceptRichText (bool on) -setAlignment (int alignment) -setAutoFormatting (int features) -setCurrentFont (int objectID) -setCurrentFont (string family, float|int size[, int weight, bool italic]) -setCurrentFont (string fontDescription) -setFontFamily (string family) -setFontItalic (bool on) -setFontPointSize (float size) -setFontUnderline (bool on) -setFontWeight (int weight) -setHtml (string) -setLineWrapMode (int mode) 0=QTextEdit::NoWrap 1=QTextEdit::WidgetWidth 2=QTextEdit::FixedPixelWidth 3=QTextEdit::FixedColumnWidth -setOverwriteMode (bool on) -setReadOnly (bool on) -setTabChangesFocus (bool on) -setTabStopWidth (int width) -setTextBackgroundColor (color) -setText (string) -setTextColor (color) -setWordWrapMode (int mode) 0=QTextOption::NoWrap = Text is not wrapped at all. 1=QTextOption::WordWrap = Text is wrapped at word boundaries. 2=QTextOption::ManualWrap = Same as QTextOption::NoWrap 3=QTextOption::WrapAnywhere = Text can be wrapped at any point on a line, even if it occurs in the middle of a word. 4=QTextOption::WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere = If possible, wrapping occurs at a word boundary; otherwise it will occur at the appropriate point on the line, even in the middle of a word. -text () -> string -toHtml () -> string -toPlainText () -> string -clear () -copy () -cut () -paste () -redo () -selectAll () -undo () NEW: -isModified () -> bool -setModified(bool) -write (string filename,*string format) -> bool ; format = plaintext|html|odf SIGNALS: #copyAvailable -> bool #currentCharFormatChanged #cursorPositionChanged #modificationChanged -> bool #redoAvailable -> bool #selectionChanged #textChanged #undoAvailable -> bool ================================================== [TimeEdit] ================================================== ACTIONS: -displayFormat () -> string -setDisplayFormat (string format) -SetMaximumTime (int h, int min, int s) -SetMinimumTime (int h, int min, int s) -setTime (int Y, int M, int D) -time () -> string ("YYYYMMDD") SIGNALS: #dateTimeChanged -> string dateTime ================================================== [ToolBar] ================================================== ACTIONS: -addAction (int ActionID) -addSeparator () -addWidget (int widgetID) -> int ActionID -iconSize () -> list widthAndHeight -setAllowedAreas (int) -setFloatable (bool on) -setIconSize (int w, int h) -setMovable (bool on) -setToolButtonStyle (int style) ================================================== [ToolBox] ================================================== ACTIONS: -addItem (int widgetID, string text[, image|string icon]) -> int index -currentIndex () -> int index -insertItem (int index, int widgetID, string text[, image|string icon]) -> int index -removeItem (int index) -setCurrentIndex (int index) -setItemEnabled (int index, bool on) -setItemIcon (int index, image|string icon) -setItemText (int index, string text) -widgetAt (int index) -> int widgetID SIGNALS: #currentChanged -> int index ================================================== [ToolButton] ================================================== ACTIONS: -setCheckable (bool) -setChecked (bool) -setIcon (image|string icon) -setIconSize (int w, int h) -setMenu (int MenuID) -setPopupMode (int mode) ; QToolButton::ToolButtonPopupMode -setShortcut (int|string) -setText (string) -setToolButtonStyle (int style) SIGNALS: #clicked #pressed #released #toggled -> bool checked #triggered -> int objectID ================================================== [TreeView] ([string rootpath]) ================================================== ACTIONS: -keyboardSearch () -reset () -scrollTo (string path[, int hint]): ONLY for filesystem TreeViews, i.e. TreeViews created with rootpath-parameter hint: 0=QAbstractItemView::EnsureVisible = Scroll to ensure that the item is visible. 1=QAbstractItemView::PositionAtTop = Scroll to position the item at the top of the viewport. 2=QAbstractItemView::PositionAtBottom = Scroll to position the item at the bottom of the viewport. 3=QAbstractItemView::PositionAtCenter = Scroll to position the item at the center of the viewport. -selectAll () -setAlternatingRowColors (bool) -setSortingEnabled (bool) -sortByColumn (int column, *int order) SIGNALS (TODO) #collapsed #expanded #activated -> string path #clicked -> string path #doubleClicked -> string path #entered -> string path #pressed -> string path ================================================== [TreeWidget] ================================================== ACTIONS: -addTopLevelItem (int TreeWidgetItemID) -columnCount () -> int -currentColumn () -> int -currentItem () -> int TreeWidgetItemID -editItem (int itemID, *int column) -findItems (string txt, int flags, *int column) -> list TreeWidgetItemIDs -insertTopLevelItem (int index, int TreeWidgetItemID -invisibleRootItem () -> int TreeWidgetItemID -isSortingEnabled () -> bool -itemAt (int x, int y) -> int TreeWidgetItemID -resizeColumnToContents (int column) -selectedItems () -> list -setColumnCount (int columns) -setCurrentItem (int TreeWidgetItemID) -setDragDropMode (int) -setDragEnabled (bool) -setHeaderItem (int TreeWidgetItemID) -setHeaderLabel (string label) -setHeaderLabels (list labels) -setSortingEnabled (bool) -sortColumn () -sortItems (int column, int order) -topLevelItem (int index) -> int TreeWidgetItemID -topLevelItemCount () -> int -visualItemRect (int TreeWidgetItemID) -> rect SIGNALS: #currentItemChanged #itemActivated -> string firstColText, string firstColUserData #itemChanged -> string firstColText, string firstColUserData #itemClicked -> string firstColText, string firstColUserData #itemCollapsed -> string firstColText, string firstColUserData #itemDoubleClicked -> string firstColText, string firstColUserData #itemEntered -> string firstColText, string firstColUserData #itemExpanded -> string firstColText, string firstColUserData #itemPressed -> string firstColText, string firstColUserData #itemSelectionChanged ================================================== [WebView] [not available in minimal version] ================================================== STATIC: +iconForUrl (string url) -> image +setGlobalSetting (int attribute, bool on) +setIconDatabasePath (string path) ACTIONS: -back () -findText (string, *int options) -> bool -forward () -history () -> list -icon () -> image -load (string url) -page () -> int WebPageID -print (int printerID) -reload () -renderHints () -selectedText () -> string -setContent (string data, *string mimetype, string baseurl) -setHtml (string html, [string baseurl]) -setPage (int WebPageID) -setRenderHints (int) -setSetting (int attribute, bool on) -setTextSizeMultiplier (float) -setUrl () -setZoomFactor (float) -stop () -textSizeMultiplier () -> float -title () -> string -triggerPageAction (int) -url () -> string -zoomFactor () -> float SIGNALS: #iconChanged #keyPressEvent #keyReleaseEvent #linkClicked -> string #loadFinished -> bool #loadProgress -> int #loadStarted #mouseDoubleClickEvent #mouseMoveEvent #mousePressEvent #mouseReleaseEvent #selectionChanged #statusBarMessage -> string #titleChanged -> string #urlChanged -> string #wheelEvent ================================================== [WizardPage] ================================================== ################################################## # 4. OBJECTS ################################################## ################################################## # 4.1 AVAILABLE OBJECTS ################################################## - Action - ActionGroup - Application - Clipboard - Dir - File - Font - FontDatabase - FontMetrics - Ftp - Image - Layouts - NetworkAccessManager - NetworkReply - Painter - Palette - Picture - Printer - RegExp - SciPrinter ; requires Plugin - Settings - SystemTrayIcon - TableWidgetItem - TcpSocket - TextCharFormat - Timer - TreeWidgetItem - UiLoader - WebFrame [not available in minimal version] - WebPage [not available in minimal version] ################################################## # 4.2 GENERIC OBJECT ACTIONS ################################################## -destroy () -objectClass () -> symbol ################################################## # 4.3 OBJECTS IN DETAIL ################################################## ================================================== [Action] ================================================== CREATE: -newObject (#Action, *int parentID) ACTIONS: -data () -> bytearray|string -getFont () -> int fontID -isChecked () -> bool -objectName () -> string -setCheckable (bool) -setChecked (bool) -setData (bytearray|string) -setEnabled (bool) -setFont (int objectID) -setFont (string family, float|int size[, int weight, bool italic]) -setFont (string fontDescription) -setIcon (image|string icon) -setObjectName (string) -setShortcut (int|string) -- "Ctrl+C" -setText (string) -text () -> string SIGNALS: #toggled -> bool checked #triggered ================================================== [ActionGroup] ================================================== CREATE: -newObject (#ActionGroup, *int parentID) ACTIONS: -actions () -> list objectIDs -addAction (int objectID) -objectName () -> string -setObjectName (string) SIGNALS: #triggered -> int objectID ================================================== [Application] ================================================== CREATE: -newObject (#Application) STATIC: +aboutQt () +addLibraryPath (string) +allWidgets () -> list widgetIDs +applicationDirPath () -> string +arguments () -> list +closeAllWindows () +focusWidget () -> int widgetID +getClipboard () -> int ClipboardID +getFont () -> int objectID +getPalette () -> int objectID +keyboardModifiers () -> int +libraryPaths () -> list +mouseButtons () -> int +setAttribute (int attrib, bool) +setCursorFlashTime (int) +setDoubleClickInterval (int) +setFont (int objectID) +setFont (string family, float|int size[, int weight, bool italic]) +setFont (string fontDescription) +setKeyboardInputInterval (int) +setPalette (int objectID) +setQuitOnLastWindowClosed (bool) ; supported styles for Win: #CleanlooksStyle, #MotifStyle, #PlastiqueStyle, #WindowsStyle ; supported styles for Mac: #CleanlooksStyle, #MotifStyle, #PlastiqueStyle, #MacStyle +setStyle (symbol style) +setWheelScrollLines (int) +testAttribute (int attrib) -> bool +widgetAt (int x, int y) -> int widgetID ACTIONS: -objectName () -> string -setObjectName (string) -setStyleSheet (string stylesheet) SIGNALS: #focusChanged ================================================== [Clipboard] ================================================== ;no contrsuctor, always created via Application::getClipboard() ACTIONS: -clear () -formats () -> list -getImage () -> int objectID -getMimeData (string format) -> bytearray|string -objectName () -> string -setImage (int objectID|image|filename) -setMimeData (string format, bytearray|string data) -setObjectName (string) -setText (string) -text () -> string SIGNALS: #dataChanged ================================================== [Dir] ================================================== CREATE: -newObject (#Dir, *UNUSED, string dir) STATIC: +addSearchPath (string prefix, string path) +currentPath () -> string path +homePath() -> string dir +rootPath() -> string path +setCurrent (string path) +setSearchPaths (string prefix, list searchPaths) +tempPath() ->string +toNativeSeparators (string) -> string ACTIONS: -absolutePath () -> string -dirName () -> string -entryList (*int filters, int sort) -> list entries -exists () -> bool -remove (string fileName) -> bool -rename (sring oldName, string newName) -> bool ================================================== [Drag] ; TODO ================================================== CREATE: -newObject (#Drag, *int parentID) ACTIONS: -exec (*int dropAction) -> int dropAction -setImage (image) ; org: setPixmap -setMimeData (string format, bytearray|string data) -setHotSpot (int x, int y) ================================================== [File] ; ONLY used for FTP getFile/putFile commands! ================================================== CREATE: -newObject(#File, *UNUSED, string filename) ACTIONS: -close() -objectName () -> string -setObjectName (string) ================================================== [FileInfo] ================================================== CREATE: -newObject(#FileInfo, *UNUSED, string filename) ACTIONS: -absoluteFilePath () -> string -absolutePath () -> string -baseName () -> string -exists () -> bool -fileName () -> string -isDir () -> bool -isFile () -> bool -size () -> int -suffix () -> string ================================================== [Font] ================================================== CREATE: -newObject (#Font) ACTIONS: -bold() -> bool -capitalization () -> int -family() -> string -fromString (string) -italic() -> bool -letterSpacing () -> float -letterSpacingType () -> int -pixelSize() -> int -pointSize() -> float -setBold (bool on) -setCapitalization (int) 0=QFont::MixedCase = This is the normal text rendering option where no capitalization change is applied. 1=QFont::AllUppercase = This alters the text to be rendered in all uppercase type. 2=QFont::AllLowercase = This alters the text to be rendered in all lowercase type. 3=QFont::SmallCaps = This alters the text to be rendered in small-caps type. 4=QFont::Capitalize = This alters the text to be rendered with the first character of each word as an uppercase character. -setFamily (string) -setItalic (bool on) -setLetterSpacing (int type, float spacing) 0=QFont::PercentageSpacing = A value of 100 will keep the spacing unchanged; a value of 200 will enlarge the spacing after a character by the width of the character itself. 1=QFont::AbsoluteSpacing = A positive value increases the letter spacing by the corresponding pixels; a negative value decreases the spacing. -setPixelSize (int) -setPointSize (float|int size) -setStretch (int factor) -setStrikeOut (bool on) -setUnderline (bool on) -setWordSpacing(float) -stretch () -> int -strikeOut() -> bool -toString () -> string -underline() -> bool -wordSpacing () -> float ================================================== [FontDatabase] ================================================== CREATE: -newObject (#FontDatabase) ACTIONS: -addApplicationFont (string) -addApplicationFontFromData (bytearray|string) -families (*int) -> list -removeAllApplicationFonts () -removeApplicationFont (FontID) -smoothSizes (string,string) -> list -standardSizes () -> list -styles (string) -> list ================================================== [FontMetrics] ================================================== ACTIONS: -width (string) -> int width ================================================== [Ftp] ================================================== CREATE: -newObject (#Ftp, *int parentID) ACTIONS: -bytesAvailable() -> int -cd (string dir) -> int -close () -> int -connectToHost (string host, *int port) -> int -get (string remoteFilename) -> int -getError () -> int -getErrorString () -> string -getFile (string remoteFilename, int FileID) -> int -list (string dir) -> int -login (string user, string password) -> int -mkdir (string dir) -> int -objectName () -> string -put (bytearray data, string remoteFilename) -> int -putFile (int FileID, string remoteFilename) -> int -rawCommand (string cmd) -> int -read (int maxlen) -> bytearray|string -readAll () -> bytearray|string ??? -remove (string filename) -> int -rename (string oldname, string newname) -> int -rmdir (string dir) -> int -setObjectName (string) -setProxy (string, int) -> int -setTransferMode (int) -> int -state () -> int SIGNALS: #commandFinished -> int id #commandStarted -> int id #dataTransferProgress -> int, int #done -> bool error #listInfo -> propList info #readyRead #stateChanged -> int state ================================================== [GridLayout] ================================================== CREATE: -newObject (#GridLayout, *int parentID) ACTIONS: ;-addLayout (int layoutID) -addWidget (int widgetID, int row, int column, *int rowSpan, int columnSpan) -objectName () -> string -removeWidget (WidgetID) -setAlignment (int) -setContentsMargins (int left, int top, int right, int bottom) -setObjectName (string) -setSpacing (int spacing) ================================================== [HBoxLayout] ================================================== CREATE: -newObject (#HBoxLayout, *int parentID) ACTIONS: ;-addLayout (int layoutID) -addWidget (int widgetID) -insertWidget (int index, int widgetID) -objectName () -> string -removeWidget (WidgetID) -setAlignment (int) -setContentsMargins (int left, int top, int right, int bottom) -setObjectName (string) -setSpacing (int spacing) ================================================== [Image] ================================================== CREATE: -newObject(#Image) -newObject(#Image, UNUSED, int width, int height, *format) -newObject(#Image, UNUSED, image) ;STATIC: ;+grabWidget (int widgetID) -> imageID ;+grabWindow (*hwnd) -> imageID (hwnd omitted = current projector window) ACTIONS: -grabWidget (int widgetID) -> imageID -grabWindow (*hwnd) -> imageID (hwnd omitted = current projector window) -height () -> int -isNull() -> bool -load (string filename, *string format) -load (image) TODO -loadData (bytearray|string data, *string format) -save (string filename, *string format, int quality) -save () -> image -saveData (*string format) -width 89 -> int ================================================== [ListWidgetItem] ================================================== CREATE: -newObject (#ListWidgetItem) ACTIONS: -data (int role) -> date|int|float|string -flags () -> int -icon () -> image -setData (int role, date|int|float|string data) -setFlags (int flags) -setIcon (image|string icon) -setStatusTip (string) -setText (string text) -setTextAlignment (int alignment) -setToolTip (string toolTip) -setWhatsThis (string whatsThis) -text () -> string ================================================== [NetworkAccessManager] ================================================== CREATE: -newObject (#NetworkAccessManager, *int parentID) ACTIONS: -customRequest (string url, string data, *propList props) -> int networkReplyID -delete (string url, *propList props) -> int networkReplyID -get (string url, *propList props) -> int networkReplyID -objectName () -> string -post (string url, string data, *propList props) -> int networkReplyID -put (string url, string data, *propList props) -> int networkReplyID -setCacheDirectory (string dir) -setCookieJar (int NetworkCookieJarID) -setObjectName (string) ================================================== [NetworkCookieJar] ================================================== CREATE: -newObject (#NetworkCookieJar, *int parentID) ACTIONS: -allCookies () -> list cookies -setAllCookies (list cookies) ================================================== [NetworkReply] ================================================== ACTIONS: -abort() -close() -objectName () -> string -readAll () -> bytearray|string -setObjectName (string) SIGNALS: #finished #downloadProgress -> int,int (eigtl: qint64,qint64) #uploadProgress -> int,int (eigtl: qint64,qint64) #error -> int ================================================== [NetworkProxy] ================================================== STATIC: +setApplicationProxy (int type, string hostName, int port, *string user, string password) ;================================================== ;[NetworkRequest] ;================================================== ; ;ACTIONS: ;-attribute (int code) -> any ;-header (int) -> any ;-rawHeader (string) -> string ;-rawHeaderList () -> list ;-setAttribute (int code, any) ;-setHeader (int, any) ;-setRawHeader (string headerName, string headerValue) ;-setUrl (string) ;-url () -> string ================================================== [Painter] ================================================== CREATE: -newObject (#Painter) ACTIONS: -begin (int objectID) -> QPaintDevice: QImage, QPicture, QPixmap, QPrinter -drawArc (int x, int y, int width, int height, int startAngle, int spanAngle) -drawChord (int x, int y, int width, int height, int startAngle, int spanAngle) -drawEllipse (int x, int y, int width, int height) -drawImage (point|rect, img|filename) -drawLine (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) -drawPath (pathList) [see below] -drawPicture (int x, int y, int objectID) -drawPie (int x, int y, int width, int height, int startAngle, int spanAngle) -drawPoint (point) -drawPoints (list) -drawPolygon (list) -drawRect (rect) -drawRoundedRect (rect, float xRadius, float yRadius) TODO: mode -drawText (point|rect, text) TODO: options -end () -eraseRect (rect) -fillRect (rect, color) -restore () -rotate (float angle) -save () -scale (float sx, float sy) -setBackground (color) -setBackgroundMode (int) -setBrush (color, *int brushStyle) -setFont (int objectID) -setFont (string descrip) -setFont (string family, float|int size[, int weight, bool italic]) -setLayoutDirection (int) -setOpacity (float) -setPen (color, *int penStyle, float lineWidth) -strokePath (pathList) [see below] TODO: pen -translate (point) ; maybe added in the future: ; drawConvexPolygon ; drawPixmap ; drawStaticText ; PATH OPERATIONS ; [#moveTo, float x, float y] ; [#lineTo, float x, float y] ; [#cubicTo, float c1X, float c1Y, float c2X, float c2Y, float endPointX, float endPointY] ; [#quadTo, float cx, float cy, float endPointX, float endPointY] ; [#arcTo, float x, float y, float width, float height, float startAngle, float sweepLength] ; [#closeSubpath] ================================================== [Palette] ================================================== CREATE: -newObject (#Palette) ACTIONS: -color (int colorRole, *int colorGroup group) -> color -setColor (int colorRole, color, *int colorGroup) ================================================== [Picture] ================================================== CREATE: -newObject (#Picture) ACTIONS: -boundingRect () -> rect -data () -> bytearray|string -load (string filename) -> bool -save (string filename) -> bool -setBoundingRect (rect) -setData (bytearray|string) -size () -> int ================================================== [Printer] ================================================== CREATE: -newObject(#Printer, *UNUSED, int mode) ACTIONS: -newPage () -printerName () -> string -setColorMode (int mode) -- 0=Color, 1=GS -setFullPage (bool on) -setOrientation (int orientation) -- 0=Portrait, 1=Landscape -setOutputFileName (string) -setOutputFormat (int) -setPageMargins (float left, float top, float right, float bottom, int unit) -setPaperSize (float width, float height, int unit) -setPaperSize (int paperSize) -setPrinterName (string name) -setPrintRange (int range) -setResolution (int dpi) ================================================== [RegExp] ================================================== CREATE: -newObject(#RegExp, UNUSED, string pattern, *bool caseSensitive, int patternSyntax) STATIC: +escape (string) -> string ACTIONS: -captureCount () -> int -capturedTexts () -> list -errorString () -> string -exactMatch (string) -> bool -indexIn (string, *int offset, int caretMode) -> int -isValid () -> bool -lastIndexIn (string, *int offset, int caretMode) -> int -matchedLength () -> int -pos (*int nth) -> int -replace (string inputStr, string replStr) -> string -setMinimal (bool) -split (string inputStr) -> list ================================================== [SciPrinter] ; requires Plugin (qscintillaplugin.dll and qscintilla2.dll) ================================================== -> same API as Printer ================================================== [Settings] ================================================== CREATE: -newObject(#Settings, UNUSED, string org, string app, *int fomat) ACTIONS: -objectName () -> string -setObjectName (string) -setValue (string key, string value) -sync () -value (string key) -> string value -beginGroup (string prefix) -endGroup () -clear () -remove (string key) -beginReadArray (string prefix) -> int size -beginWriteArray (string prefix) -endArray () ================================================== [SystemTrayIcon] ================================================== CREATE: -newObject (#SystemTrayIcon) ACTIONS: -hide () -objectName () -> string -setContextMenu (int menuID) -setIcon (image|string icon) -setObjectName (string) -setToolTip (string) -show () SIGNALS: #activated -> int #messageClicked ================================================== [TableWidgetItem] ================================================== CREATE: -newObject (#TableWidgetItem) ACTIONS: -column () -> int -data (int role) -> date|int|float|string -flags () -> int -setData (int role, date|int|float|string data) -setFlags (int flags) -setIcon (image|string icon) -setSortValue (int sortVal) -setStatusTip (string) -setText (string text) -setTextAlignment (int alignment) -setToolTip (string toolTip) -setWhatsThis (string whatsThis) -text () -> string ================================================== [TcpSocket] ================================================== CREATE: -newObject (#TcpSocket, *int parentID) ACTIONS: -abort () -atEnd () -> bool -bytesAvailable () -> int -bytesToWrite () -> int -canReadLine () -> bool -close () -connectToHost (string host, int port) -disconnectFromHost () -flush () -> bool -getError () -> int -objectName () -> string -read (int maxSize) -> bytearray|string -readAll () -> bytearray|string ??? -readLine (int maxSize) -> bytearray|string -setObjectName (string) -setReadBufferSize (int) -state () -> int -waitForBytesWritten (*int timeout) -> bool -waitForConnected (*int timeout) -> bool -waitForDisconnected (*int timeout) -> bool -waitForReadyRead (*int timeout) -> bool -write (bytearray|string) -> int SIGNALS: #bytesWritten -> int bytes #connected #disconnected #error -> int QAbstractSocket::SocketError socketError #hostFound #readyRead #stateChanged -> int QAbstractSocket::SocketState socketState ================================================== [TextCharFormat] ================================================== CREATE: -newObject (#TextCharFormat) ACTIONS: -foreground () -> color -getFont () -> int objectID -setBackground (color) -setFontFamily (string) -setFontItalic (bool) -setFontPointSize (float) -setFontUnderline (bool) -setFontWeight (int) -setForeground (color) ================================================== [Timer] ================================================== CREATE: -newObject (#Timer, *int parentID) ACTIONS: -objectName () -> string -setInterval (integer ms) -setObjectName (string) -setSingleShot (bool) -start () -stop () SIGNALS: #timeout ================================================== [TreeWidgetItem] ================================================== CREATE: -newObject (#TreeWidgetItem, *int parentID) ACTIONS: -addChild (int TreeWidgetItemID) -addChildren (list TreeWidgetItemIDs) -checkState (int column) -> int state -child (int index) -> int TreeWidgetItemID -childCount () -> int -columnCount () -> int -data (int column, int role) -> date|int|float|string -flags () -> int -insertChild (int index, int TreeWidgetItemID) -parent () -> int TreeWidgetItemID -removeChild (int TreeWidgetItemID) -setBackground (int column, color) -setCheckState (int column, int state) -setData (int column, int role, date|int|float|string data) -setDisabled (bool disabled) -setExpanded (bool expand) -setFlags (int flags) -setForeground (int column, color) -setIcon (int column, image|string icon) -setSelected (bool select) -setSortValue (int column, int sortVal) -setStatusTip (int column, string tip) -setText (int column, string text) -setToolTip (int column, string toolTip) -setWhatsThis (int column, string whatsThis) -takeChildren () -> list TreeWidgetItemIDs -text (int column) -> string ================================================== [UiLoader] ================================================== CREATE: -newObject (#UiLoader) ACTIONS: -load (bytearray|string uiFileOrData, *int widgetID) -> int widgetID -addPluginPath (string) -availableLayouts () -> list -availableWidgets () -> list -clearPluginPaths () -setWorkingDirectory (string) ================================================== [VBoxLayout] ================================================== CREATE: -newObject (#VBoxLayout, *int parentID) ACTIONS: ;-addLayout (int layoutID) -addWidget (int widgetID) -insertWidget (int index, int widgetID) -objectName () -> string -removeWidget (int WidgetID) -setAlignment (int) -setContentsMargins (int left, int top, int right, int bottom) -setObjectName (string) -setSpacing (int spacing) ================================================== [WebFrame] ;not available in minimal version ================================================== ACTIONS: -addObjectToJavaScriptWindowObject (string name, int objectID) -addWidgetToJavaScriptWindowObject (string name, int widgetID) -contentsSize () -> point -evaluateJavaScript (string code) -> string result -hasFocus () -> bool -load (string url) -objectName () -> string -render (PainterID) -setContent (string data, [string mimetype, string baseurl]) -setFocus () -setHtml (string html, [string baseurl]) -setObjectName (string) -setTextSizeMultiplier (float) -setUrl (string url) -setZoomFactor (float) -toHtml () -> string -toPlainText () -> string -textSizeMultiplier () -> float -url () -> string -zoomFactor () -> float SIGNALS: #javaScriptWindowObjectCleared #loadFinished -> bool #loadStarted #pageChanged #titleChanged -> string title #urlChanged -> string url ================================================== [WebInspector] ;not available in minimal version ================================================== CREATE: -newObject (#WebInspector, *int parentID) ACTIONS: -setPage(WebPageID) ================================================== [WebPage] ;not available in minimal version ================================================== CREATE: -newObject (#WebPage, *int parentID) ACTIONS: -canGoBack() -> bool -canGoForward() -> bool -getNetworkAccessManager () -> int NetworkAccessManagerID -mainFrame () -> int webFrameID -objectName () -> string -setAllowNewWindows (bool allow) -setForwardUnsupportedContent (bool flag) -setLinkDelegationPolicy (int) -setNetworkAccessManager (int NetworkAccessManagerID) -setObjectName (string) -setSetting (int attribute, bool on) -setUserAgentForUrl (propList dict) -setViewportSize (int w, int h) -triggerAction (int action) SIGNALS: #downloadRequested -> string url #jsConsoleMessage -> string msg #linkClicked -> string #loadFinished -> bool #loadProgress -> int #loadStarted #selectionChanged #statusBarMessage -> string #unsupportedContent #windowCreated -> int winId (notice: this is a native winId of the new webView, not its widgetID, use #find to convert)