xtra CommandLine -- v0.20 (c) 2021 Valentin Schmidt -- COMMAND-LINE ARGUMENTS *getCommandLineArgs -- returns list of strings -- STANDARD IO-STREAMS *stdIn string msg -- query for STDIN input in console *stdOut string msg -- prints string to STDOUT in console *stdErr string msg -- prints string to STDERR in console -- EXIT CODE *exitCode integer code -- exits application with exit code -- DEBUG -- Output can be viewed e.g. with Systernal's freeware DebugView *dbgPrint string msg -- prints string to debug console *dbgPrintVars *arguments -- prints arbitrary number of string, integer or float arguments to debug console -- ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES *getEnvVar string varName -- gets env var *setEnvVar string varName, string value -- sets env var in current session *setXEnvVar string varName, string value, *useMachineEnv -- sets env var permanently (via registry) -- UTILITIES *sleep integer ms *printMsg string message *getLongPathName string path *getShortPathName string path *getXtraDir *getProcessPriority *setProcessPriority integer priority *taskBarProgressInit *hwnd *taskBarProgressSetState integer state *taskBarProgressSetValue integer value *isElevated *getRealOSVersion *getCurrentDir *setCurrentDir string directory *getProcessId *messageBoxDialog string text, string caption, integer type *inputDialog string text, string inputText, string caption *progressDialogShow string text, string caption, *range *progressDialogUpdate integer dialogHandle, integer value *progressDialogClose integer dialogHandle *systemMenuInsertItem string itemName *systemMenuInsertSeparator *xcall symbol handler, object argList, *target