Integrate into Visual Studio: ============================= you can integrate the CHM into Visual C++ 2005 (and possibly also into other versions) as "External Tool": Menu: Tools -> External Tool -> Button "Add" Title: XDK (or "XDK Documentation", whatever you like) Command: c:\windows\hh.exe Arguments: "::/IndexContents.htm#$(CurText)" Button "OK" If you want you can also put a button for the "XDK documentation" into some toolbar: Menu: Tools -> Customize -> Commands -> "Tools" -> drag "External Command " into any toolbar you like from now on you can get context sensitive help for any currently selected key word (e.g. a MOA interface, method, ...), just by pressing on this new toolbar button while the word is selected in the code window. Addendum: ========= a drawback of the method described above is that every click on "XDK" toolbar button will open a new instance of the help, instead of just updating the displayed page in an exiting instance. This can easily be fixed by 1.) dowload ( 2.) unpack it and put the tiny tool "KeyHH.exe" e.g. in your windows folder (Notice: this tool originates from, you can also download it from there, if you don't trust me, but the original version comes with an installer that's a bit crappy and not really needed) 3.) In VC++ 2005, go to the "External Tools" settings dialog, and change Command: c:\windows\hh.exe Arguments: "::/IndexContents.htm#$(CurText)" to Command: c:\windows\keyhh.exe Arguments: -xdk "::/IndexContents.htm#$(CurText)" that's it! from now on there will never be more than 1 instance of the xdk-chm, and repeatedly pressing the toolbar button will only update the displayed page. View CHM on the Mac: ==================== a good CHM viewer for the mac is Chmox: