DXF (Director Xtra Framework) SCM Repository http://dev.naver.com/projects/sim9108/src -> rearranged (and partly recompiled) contents of folder '/trunk/bin' Description: ============ Various free and open source win-only scripting xtras by korean programmer "sim9108". All xtras depend on the MS VC++ 2010 runtime DLLs (installer "vcredist_x86_2010.exe" provided). The xtras are a little peculiar, they don't use the normal MOA xtra interface description - xtraRef.interface() is empty - but instead a CORBA-based object interface definition: http://www.omg.org/gettingstarted/corbafaq.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Object_Request_Broker_Architecture Use put xtraInstanceRef.Interface -- notice: instanceRef, not xtraRef! to see a list of supported properties and methods. "-" in front of properties means read-only, "+" means readable+writeable. Example: x = xtra("Shell32").new() put x.Interface -- common // start of property description -Interface:STRING // read-only +Directorcode:STRING // read+write -DirectorHandle[nth:INT]:HWND -IID:GUID -- Shell32 // start of method description ShellExecuteEx(info:SHELLEXECUTEINFO):BOOL " Many xtras return/rely on custom data types provided by other xtras - like e.g. HWND, GUID and SHELLEXECUTEINFO in the sample interface description above which are implemented by HWND.x32, GUID.x32 and SHELLEXECUTEINFO.x32 - if those xtras are missing when you call a function that returns such a data type, director will crash, therefor always make sure (by checking the interface description) that all dependant xtras are available. Selected Xtras ============== CCR CCVFilter Chilkat - Email Chilkat - Ftp Chilkat - Http Chilkat - Rar Chilkat - Ssh Chilkat - Tar Chilkat - Zip COM (24 Xtras) ComFrame -> Embeds a IE Webbrowser Control -> enhanced with special functions that allow embedded flash <--> director communication -> Demo "ComFrame-FlashRunner" is a resusable standalone Flash player based on ComFrame COMPort Control (SSE CPUs only!) -- unfortunately source code missing in repository, therefor can't recompile -> EDIT.x32 -> implements a Text Edit control -> LISTVIEW.x32 -> implements a ListView control CoreAudio (Win7+ only) Curl CxImage -> Xtra for loading/saving/analyzing/manipulating images in various file formats Decibel DirectorUtil DirectShow (86 Xtras) DirectShow - ColorPicker ED Json Kinect (64 Bit only) KoreanUtil LibIconv Mode -> change screen mode/resolution Morphing Multicast OpenCV (SSE CPUs only!) -- unfortunately source code missing in repository, therefor can't recompile PDFNetC (104 Xtras) -> Xtras for creating/manipulating/viewing PDF files Qt (SSE CPUs only!) -- unfortunately source code missing in repository, therefor can't recompile QuadCalibration Socket TUIO BasicType -> implement various datatypes Buffer.x32 BYTE.x32 Char.x32 INT.x32 LARGE_INTEGER.x32 LONG.x32 POINT.x32 PVOID.x32 RECT.x32 size_t.x32 ULARGE_INTEGER.x32 ExtendType -> implement various datatypes/objects/structs ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES.x32 AM_MEDIA_TYPE.x32 AM_STREAM_INFO.x32 BITMAP.x32 BITMAPINFOHEADER.x32 CRITICAL_SECTION.x32 DEVMODE.x32 DISPLAY_DEVICE.x32 DVASPECTINFO.x32 DVTARGETDEVICE.x32 FILETIME.x32 FILTER_INFO.x32 FORMATETC.x32 GUID.x32 HANDLE.x32 HARDWAREINPUT.x32 HBITMAP.x32 HBRUSH.x32 HCURSOR.x32 HDC.x32 HDESK.x32 HDWP.x32 HENHMETAFILE.x32 HGDIOBJ.x32 HICON.x32 HINSTANCE.x32 HKL.x32 HMENU.x32 HMETAFILE.x32 HMODULE.x32 HPALETTE.x32 HRGN.x32 HWND.x32 INPUT.x32 KEYBDINPUT.x32 LASTINPUTINFO.x32 LOGBRUSH.x32 LOGPALETTE.x32 LVCOLUMN.x32 LVITEM.x32 MENUINFO.x32 MOUSEINPUT.x32 MSG.x32 OLEINPLACEFRAMEINFO.x32 OLEMENUGROUPWIDTHS.x32 OLEVERB.x32 OPENFILENAME.x32 OVERLAPPED.x32 PAINTSTRUCT.x32 PATHOBJ.x32 PIN_INFO.x32 PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR.x32 PRINTDLG.x32 Quality.x32 RGBTRIPLE.x32 SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES.x32 SHELLEXECUTEINFO.x32 sockaddr_in.x32 SOCKET.x32 STATDATA.x32 STATSTG.x32 STGMEDIUM.x32 SYSTEMTIME.x32 VARIANT.x32 VARIANT_BOOL.x32 WAVEFORMAT.x32 WAVEFORMATEX.x32 WIN32_FIND_DATA.x32 WNDCLASS.x32 WNDCLASSEX.x32 WNDPROC.x32 WSADATA.x32 XFORM.x32 window7Multitouch (Win7+ only) WindowDLL - Comdlg32 -> call functions of Windows comdlg32.dll (Common Dialogs DLL) WindowDLL - GDI32 -> call functions of Windows GDI32.DLL (GDI Client DLL, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Windows_library_files#GDI32.DLL) WindowDLL - Kernel32 -> call functions of Windows KERNEL32.DLL (Windows NT BASE API Client DLL, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Windows_library_files#KERNEL32.DLL) WindowDLL - Ole32 -> call functions of Windows OLE32.DLL WindowDLL - Shell32 -> call functions of Windows SHELL32.DLL WindowDLL - User32 -> call functions of Windows USER32.DLL (Windows USER API Client DLL, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Windows_library_files#USER32.DLL) -> Demo "StartBarCTL" shows how to use User32.x32 to hide the windows task bar at startup, WindowDLL - WinInet -> call functions of Windows Wininet.DLL WindowDLL - Winspool WindowDLL - Ws2_32