Hap Converter v0.3 (c) Valentin Schmidt Descrition ========== Command-line tools (batch scripts) that allow to transcode videos to AVI files with Hap (Hap1), Hap Q (HapY) or Hap Alpha (Hap5) codec that are compatible e.g. with the "Hap" video engine of Max 7.3.4+ for Windows. Note: the current version of this scripts ignore/discard any audio tracks, but of course they could be adjusted to also support audio. Requirements ============ The Renderheads Hap DirectShow Codec must be installed in the system, also for x86 in a x64 System. Everything you need is included in folder "setup". You can check if the Hap Encoder is available for DirectShow x86's AVI Compressor Filter by running "hap_converter.bat" without passing any file/argument. If you see 3 "Hap" entries in the displayed list of available video encoders, Hap is installed correctly. Usage ===== Drop a video file on the batch script, or pass the file as shell argument. If trancoding was successful, a new file with same name as the source file, but appended with "_hap.avi", "_hap_q.avi" or "_hap_alpha.avi" can be found in the folder of the source video file.